The Daily ReTORt

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Made a Mistake and I Need Your Opinion....

Two weeks ago I completed the 35th Annual Marine Corp Marathon, marking the completion of my fourth straight marathon - not too shabby for a slow, overweight 41 year old.

However, since that race I've felt great and have been thinking about the next one I'd like to complete.

So yesterday I signed up for the Yuengling Shamrock full Marathon that is scheduled to occur on March 20, 2011 in Virgina Beach, Va. I had a buddy who ran that event last year and he had a ball - so we'll run it together next March.

However, as I was looking through the calendar today I became aware of the fact that the Shamrock will be exactly 18 weeks away this coming Sunday, which means I "should" start training for it this week if I plan on following my typical marathon running regimen. Here's a link to my training schedule

The problem is that I was hoping to take a month off from running altogether so I could rest and really pack on the, er I mean...really enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends during the holidays.

I know this seems like needless self-imposed drama, but I question whether I should take a break or take to the streets and begin training again. What would you do? Please let me know.....