The Daily ReTORt

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

12 Rules for Every Family

Every Friday and Saturday, there's an Amish farmers' market that occupies a large storefront at a local plaza near our home.  We visit a couple times a month to shop for produce and other goods.

During a recent tour of homespun products from the residents of Lancaster County, PA we saw this sign titled "Family Rules" that my wife and I loved - it's pictured here as it's currently hanging in our home.

Just in case the image quality isn't that great on your screen, here are the "Family Rules" written out that we've adopted:

1. Keep your promises
2. Share
3. Think of others before yourself
4. Say I love you
5. Listen to your parents
6. Do your best
7. Say please and thank you
8. Always tell the truth
9. Laugh at yourself
10. Hug often
11. Use kind words
12. Love each other

These should apply to all of us, not just our kids. While they're all basic common sense and courtesy, it's good to have them prominently featured in our home as a reminder to each of us and to our guests. They're almost a household mission statement. Interestingly, there are no exceptions to these rules!

Question: Which of these "family rules" resonates with you? Which others are missing that you follow?

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