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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

7 Questions With an Author: Tyler Tarver

Words & Sentences: things you need to hear with your eyes (Volume 1)
Tyler Tarver's
new book
This is the first installment of a new series that I'll periodically write titled "7 Questions With an Author..." where I'll pose seven questions to an author and then share their answers here.

[NOTE: I'm fully aware that I'm breaking AP Style rules by starting the first word in the title with an actual number and not writing it out - it just looked better to me or maybe I'm a closet subversive hoping to undermine the establishment one rebellious key stroke at a time...]

I doubt this type of format has ever been done before so we're breaking new ground (actually the Q and A format happens all the time, but I'm prone to hyperbole and such).

Sometimes the authors' answers will be serious, sometimes they'll be funny - I'm not really sure what to expect. The first author to agree to this is a southern gentleman named Tyler Tarver who recently published his first book title Words and Sentences. He's a high school math teacher by day and comedic blogger/writer/video producer most of the other time.

I met Tyler via a blogging community that we both belong to that was founded by uber-blogger Bryan Allain. Given Tyler's "unique" sense of humor, I'm sure he's a student favorite.  Here's 7 Questions With an Author: Tyler Tarver.


1. Tell us about your book?
I thought you'd never ask. It's a compilation of shorts stories, reviews, paper with words, and graphic organizers. What's a graphic organizer? It's teacherese for picture. The book is also 300 pages long exactly and firm at the touch, just like an apple or metal.

2. What led you to write it?
Money. I want to be so rich I can swim in my gold coins like Scrooge McDuck. But when you think about it, that seems kinda dangerous to hit gold at such a velocity. Maybe I'll just use the money to purchase a type of jello currency. I am only joking, I didn't write it for money, I wrote it for wealth, or to have something I can use to make my parents love me.

3. Who is a writer that inspires you and why?
JK Rowling is one, because she's from Britain, and I know it has to be hard to interpret what those people are actually saying. I'm also inspired greatly by the people that write logos on U-hauls, they're just so moving.

4. What was the biggest challenge you faced writing this book?
Time. I work a couple jobs but neither of them just let me do whatever I want. That's why I'd like for this to make me super rich so I can pursue my lifelong dream of being a lifelong dreamer. I also had to face a Sphinx in the Tri-Wizard Tournament and that was difficult.

5. What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?
Just do it. Wow, that's a catchy phrase I just make up. Just do it. Yeah, I think I've got something original and inspiring. I'll patent that. Just start writing and don't stop until you're eating the most expensive steak at Chili's, then you'll know you've made it.

6. Where do you get your ideas?
Mostly from my brain, that or I just copy/paste them from Wikipedia. I like to think of Ideas as small, invisible bits of information from pretty clouds that float into your cerebellum and start slapping you.  That, or I just listen to rap music.

7. Anything that you'd like readers to know that I haven't asked?
I'd like you to know that Tor Constantino is the most handsome and smartest person I've ever typed to online. He's tall and strong and welcome in all gas stations whether he's wearing a shirt or shoes or not. Also, my favorite color is green, like algae.

About Tyler Tarver:
Tyler Tarver is a math teacher but not an English teacher because that would be gross. You can check out his website, subscribe to it here, check him on Twitter @tylertarver, or just buy his brand new toilet book, which he won’t shut up about, titled Words&Sentences that 4 people have said is “funnier than sliced bread.” He’s not as attractive as you, but he sure does love you.

There you have it, the barely edited Tyler Tarver in 7 questions - this is a glimpse into the mind that's teaching our children...heaven help us. Check out his site at

Question: What question should I have asked that I didn't?

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