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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Trump Card Over God...

Below is a link to an article I posted last week on HubPages, which is where I've been posting more faith-based articles. I've also cut-and-pasted the content below if you'd rather stay here. Regardless, let me know what you think!

God's Will is NOT Done...

Let me begin by stating that I firmly believe in God, His sovereignty and that He has a divine purpose (or will) for each individual and humanity as a whole.

However, I also believe that God’s will is NOT universally manifested in the earth. Allow me to explain.

From a Judeo-Christian worldview, God very clearly has articulated his will in the Old Testament as evidenced in the following paraphrase of the most well-known standard for human conduct – The Ten Commandments, as listed in Exodus chapter 20, verses 1-21:

1. Worship no other gods beside God (Yahweh)
2. Do not make any idols or carved images
3. Do not take God’s name in vain, because it is holy
4. Observe the Sabbath rest, because it is holy
5. Honor your father and mother
6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery
8. Do not steal
9. Do not lie or bear false witness against someone
10. Do not covet

So we clearly know that it is God’s stated will and purpose that the aforementioned practices NOT occur in our daily lives. However, if you watch only a few minutes of network or cable television on any given evening it seems like the more commandments that get broken in a TV program, the better its ratings.

Additionally, Christians aren’t immune from breaking the commandments on a routine basis – even the apostle Paul who wrote nearly two thirds of the New Testament wrote in Romans that, “…the things I don’t want to do I do, while the things I want to do I don’t…” Based on that fact alone, God’s will is not universally in effect.

How is that possible if God’s sovereignty is supreme?

It’s possible, because God supremely loves us and as an outgrowth of that love He willingly yields a portion of His will to our individual free will. Even though our lives are not our own, each of us is an independent moral agent. God has given us the choice to choose Him but by virtue of a free will choice there must be an alternate option, which is eternal separation from His presence.

The oft-quoted passage in John 3:16 states that God loved us so much that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in the Son, will not perish but have everlasting life.

While that’s a great promise, the fact remains that God will not force that love on someone who doesn’t want it. God allows people to choose separation from Him because forced love isn’t love at all. True love is a choice. Even though it breaks His heart, God will let someone choose hell over heaven.

In that respect, His love for us trumps His own will.


  1. Honestly? I'm not sure why this one (this particular writing) was hard for me to follow. It is clearly well written, but a little hard for me to understand for some reason. I *think* I agree with what you are saying. I'm going to have to go back and read it another few times. I don't routinely have to do that. I know this isn't a very insightful comment, but - what I did want to say is thank you for taking the time to write not only this, but all the things you write.

  2. @Laura, I always welcome your opinion and observations. The truth is that not every post hits the mark for every person and that's fine.

    Perhaps illustrating with my daughters would have been more useful.

    I'd much prefer my girls to "choose" to love and spend time with me, rather than me having to force them. However, letting them make that choice for themselves puts me at risk since they could potentially NOT love me. But if they genuinely do want me - the risk is worth it.

    I don't know if that makes it clearer or muddier, regardless, thanks for coming back!


  4. @ayvan, thanks for the follow back and taking the time to make a post! I appreciate it and hope you'll visit often!

  5. Thanks! Yes, it does seem to better explain what you are saying. I do appreciate your giving the second example, as an attempt to furhter explain. I really do appreciate it. I am amazed at how He loves us. Just amazed at times. Thanks for keeping on writing.
