The Daily ReTORt

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mid-Year: New Year's Resolution Update.....

Last December I made a bevy of New Year's resolutions that can be viewed in the post I'm a Living, Breathing Weight Loss Cliche, which is dated 12/29/2010. Now that we're at the midway point of 2011, I thought it might be useful to grade myself on each of the bulleted resolutions in the excerpt below from that post: 

In the waning hours of 2010 there are several achieveable, personal resolutions that I purpose to pursue in 2011 including:
  • making five blog posts each week; GRADE: C+ (I started out slow, but I'm gaining steam in this area)
  • finishing my first book; GRADE: A (This bad boy is done and will be launched this November)
  • finally eliminating all of our credit card debt; GRADE: B+ (So far, this year we've paid down more than $30K in consumer debt including my car. We're on track to be debt-free in 2011)
  • spending one night a week playing games with my family; GRADE: C- (While I do spend a lot of time playing with my daughters, it's not specifically playing games - I need to improve) 
  • going on a date with my wife at least once a week; GRADE: D- (Nuts!!!! This is a glaring weakness that I need to focus attention on, we've only had a handful of date nights this year and that just won't cut it)
  • running at least 20 miles every seven days GRADE: A (Now this is a problem, I'm logging hours on the road - sacrificing dates with my wife and games with my girls. That's got to change.)
  • and striving to walk an average of 10,000 steps each day. GRADE: B (I'm averaging about 8.5K steps a day - not great, but not bad) 
All of those seem doable to me; however, the most difficult resolution that I have not mentioned is my inability to keep my weight within a healthy range for my age, gender and height. GRADE: B+ (For the year, I'm down a total of -25.0 lbs. even though I was -0.0 lbs at WeightWatcher weigh-in today. Regardless, I'm keeping on)

When you average all of those together, my total New Year's resolution GRADE is a B , six months into the year.  That's ok, but I'm totally bummed about date night with the wife (whom I deeply love) and gaming with the kiddos.

Any tips on good date night ideas would be appreciated and games that would be fun for kids ages 7-10. Thanks!

That'll do it until next week's update, hopefully there will be less of me to write about!

1 comment:

  1. Apples to Apples is a fun game for families, as is Cranium.
    For a date night suggestion, I am stealing an idea from friends of ours. They made a list of 10 things (i.e... An Angel, Red Shoes, A street sign...etc.) and they each had a disposable camera. They had to spend time together driving around, or walking around, trying each to get a picture of the items on their list. The only rule is, you can't take a picture of the same you each have to find a different street sign,for example. That is date night #1. Date night #2 is after the pictures are developed and your get to share why you chose that item..that angle, etc. and how your views are different. Generally a low cost, high conversation, fun date.
